A review by emilywiese
American Indian Stories by Zitkála-Šá


Book: American Indian Stories, Legends. and Other Writings

Author: Zitkala-Sa

Overview Summary: The book detailed Native American stories, legends, and biographical stories detailing the author's story of the destruction of her native community//home and her conversion into "white culture".

The story entailing the author specifically highlights her early life still living with her mother and the Sioux tribe. My favorite story from this section detailed her making coffee for an elder who entered her tent while her mother had left. It was beautiful to see the respect this small girl had someone older than her especially since the stereotype of Native Americans is they are wild and untamable. Reading the author's stories over her time at boarding school not only broke my heart, but opened up my eyes to experiences that I had no idea occurred. When they cut Zitkala-Sa's hair she said, "then I lost her spirit." It felt like it was the final straw was broken that still tied to her Native American spirit and life. The last section of her stories paints a picture of her life teaching now. Going back to her reservation to see her mother she questioned her standing of living where as a child she loved how she lived- especially being able to see the stars at night.

Rating: 5/5 stars

Recommended: This plays highly on the history of the Sioux tribe and a real life account of a little girl who lived through the years whose motto stood upon "kill the Indian, save the man". It really gives a credible account to those who don't know of these issues and painfully, awful hardships. For me, a white female, I was lacking knowledge of this event and keeps me reminded the sacrifices these families made and how oppressed their voices remain today. This may also fall under the category of a read for a future teacher reminded us to keep our classrooms open to such voices and also stories that can be taught in the classroom. This is such an ugly time in US history, but needs to be taught- especially in schools.