A review by nicola949
The Distance Between Us by L.A. Witt


Rhett and Ethan have grown apart over the last ten years are separating. Unfortunately circumstances mean they must continue to share the house they own and take in a roommate to speed up the house repayments. The sooner they can gain more equity in the house, the sooner they can sell and get on with their lives.

Despite Ethan's declaration that he couldn't stand the sight of Ethan, and both of them agreeing that the sooner they were able to get out of each's way the better, it is obvious there is something unresolved.

An interesting scenario develops with new housemate Kieran. Both Ethan and Rhett become involved with the man, first separately but then together. And through this, Ethan and Rhett discover new found passion for each other. But although he can't deny the attraction to Ethan and how well they work together in bed (and the sex IS hot and passionate!), Rhett realises that 'ex-sex' may not be the answer....
"That brief taste of something good made the cold colder, the quiet quieter, and the bitterness bitterer. And I couldn't do it anymore. I had to end this arrangement with Ethan. No matter how hot it was, it couldn't go on because I couldn't stand the cold."

In many ways Kieran becomes the trigger that leads the men to finally starting to communicate. They start to understand why their relationship started to fail and exposed their true feelings towards one another.
Spoiler"I never stopped loving you."
I smiled and kissed him again, then whispered, "I never stopped loving you, either." I thought I had. there were times I thought I hated him.
Never in my life had I been so glad to be wrong."

Some of the story puzzled me. There was emotional fall-out from one of the sexual encounters between the three men ("It was a mistake because it happened for all the wrong reasons"). Kieran seemed to be the one getting the raw deal. I couldn't fully understand why Kieran would be receptive to the offer to participate again or why Rhett and Ethan would want to continue involving Kieran. "This is probably one of the most unorthodox solutions to one of the most unorthodox situations I've ever heard of."

What I really wanted was for Kieran to also find happiness and not be the outsider. So this is what I am hoping for in book 2 [b:The Closer You Get|12324689|The Closer You Get (Distance Between Us, #2)|L.A. Witt|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1327893398s/12324689.jpg|17303176].

I now publish all my m/m reviews on my blog so if you want to see all my m/m reviews in one place come visit at Because Two Men Are Better Than One!