A review by peachykeenreviews
The Spell Book for New Witches: Essential Spells to Change Your Life by Ambrosia Hawthorn


Quick Take

The Spell Book for New Witches is an excellent introduction into witchcraft that debunks the myths surrounding this spiritual practice.  Like all books on this subject, the information presented should be taken with a grain of salt as everybody's practice is different.

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I have been a spiritual practitioner of witchcraft for some time, and I am extremely passionate about sharing the beauty of this spiritual practice with others.  Witchcraft has often been seen as a "bad word" because some religions have defined it as evil; but in reality, witchcraft is the practice of connecting with the natural world and acknowledging and utilizing the energies that all living things bring into existence. 

The Spell Book for New Witches is a beautiful first reader on the subject because Ambrosia Hawthorn explains some of the histories of this practice while providing a plethora of example spells that one can use to become acquainted with the practice.  She also explains many of the different objects that witches use, and why they are important, without telling the reader exactly what they must do to be considered a "witch".  I wish that I had found this book when I was first exploring witchcraft because it makes the reader feel well informed and welcomed.  So many other texts make the reader feel as though they have to earn the right to be considered a "witch", but Hawthorn presents love and acceptance through her writing that creates a lovely learning and reading experience. 

Whether you are interested in learning about witchcraft or are a seasoned practitioner, The Spell Book for New Witches will bring you new insight while debunking the myths surrounding this beautiful spiritual practice.  I have increased my knowledge base of spells while learning new things about witchcraft through reading this book.  I passionately recommend The Spell Book for New Witches to help you begin or expand your spiritual practice.  It is a must-read for anyone interested in the beauty of witchcraft!