A review by wildfaeriecaps
I Love You, I Hate You by Elizabeth Davis


This book made my heart sing. And I knew it would. Elizabeth Davis has long been a favorite of mine.

So let me start this off with a confession. Anyone who knows me well, is aware that 'contemporary' isn't my thing. Like, at all. The closest I tend to come is urban fantasy. But there are some authors (very, very few) who can pull me into a contemporary setting. Elizabeth is one of them.

Owen and Victoria are amazing. They're exceedingly human and relatable and fallible. Victoria is very close to my heart--her anxieties and fears and need to prove herself while also hiding herself. I feel that. Deeply. Her twitter friends made me feel seen in a way I've only felt in one other book (Spoiler Alert by Olivia Dade). I literally laughed out loud at their banter. And not just the ladies' banter, but then boys' group chat as well. I love them all and want nothing but happiness and snuggles for each of them.

Here's what you can count on, going into any Elizabeth Davis book: you will feel things. Many things. Deeply. The relationships are perfection--that's not to say they happen easily and without trial. What I mean is, they are flawed and disastrous and heartfelt and raw. There's such tenderness and passion and LIFE. And they are written well enough that you will believe every second of it. You can't go wrong with her work. You will get a romance that makes you laugh and cry and grin like an idiot. And if you want to know, the sex is always hot and always consensual.

And on top of it all? Elizabeth tackles some pretty big things in this book. Inequality, class, poverty, white privilege, corporate corruption, politics. And she does it with courage, humor, and grace. It never felt preachy or contrived.

So. I tell you from the most honest part of my soul: go buy this book immediately. Pre-order. Borrow it from your library. It's worth it. It's more than worth it. Whether contemporary romance is your thing or not, I *highly* recommend this book.

UPDATE (re-read): Still just as excellent the second time around!