A review by beckiebookworm1974
Eternal Desire by Kim Loraine


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Release Date-27/2/18

So this is the first book I have read by this author and I found it an enjoyable experience.
Eternal Desire is a Paranormal romance involving Witches and Shifters and arch-angels.
Three witches to be precise.
All cursed to die young because of previous events.
And I'm assuming each sister witch here is going to be given their own particular tale as I noticed further story-lines being set up for at least one of them.
Eternal Fire itself involved Izzy and Grant.
Izzy is a witch and Grant a made shifter with a pack.
These two are like oil and water neither paranormal species usually co-existing also there magic is so different so to find a mate like this is unheard off.
Also to further complicate matters the girls have a price on their head and Grants pack has been tasked with the hit on them.
Also, interwoven into this picture is the love story of Isolde and Tristan the one of legend.
Both were under a previous love spell and in one of Izzy's past lives, her heart was laid bare and broken from this leaving her unwilling to take a chance on Grant and risk her heart again.
So with her curse hanging over her, Izzy has battened down her hatches.
Unwilling to allow love to break her for the second time.
Tristan himself does pop up here to further stir the pot and muddy the waters.
but Eternal desire mainly involves Grant trying to protect Izzy from his pack.
And Izzy not surprisingly fighting him every step of the way.
So, Grant, I liked but there were times he annoyed me like when he considered giving up Izzy



Izzy I found was very indecisive and I did find this a trifle annoying at times just make up your mind girl.
Overall taking everything into consideration though I did like both main characters.
They were real with quirks and faults that made them seem more human.
I found the storyline here to be easy to follow there were a few inconsistencies in regards to plot like wolves being turned to ash and then resurrected.
But reading another review this is going to be corrected in the finished product.
I was reading an ARC here so was prepared for some minor errors.
I'm assuming this book is part of a bigger series and this is a spin-off, don't let that put you off this can totally be read as a standalone.
I found this to be a hot read and you could definitely feel the chemistry between Izzy and Grant.
So, in conclusion, this was a fun paranormal read that kept my attention throughout.
I was provided with an ARC of "Eternal Desire (Siren Coven, #1) " By the author of which I have reviewed voluntary.
All opinions expressed are entirely my own.

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Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm.