A review by mweis
The Last to Pie by Misha Popp


*I received an eARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.*

I think I liked this more than Magic, Lies, and Deadly Pies but less than A Good Day to Pie. Here we follow Daisy as she struggles with a request that didn't come in with the required referral information, and even more than that, the request is seemingly from the wife of a police officer asking to kill her abusive boyfriend. Popp's plot is engaging and I liked how she wove in Daisy's personal relationships with the mystery of the missing requestor. We see this case cause some drama in her relationship with Noel, and Melly get more involved in the murder pie business. I also liked how we see Daisy struggle with finding which lines she should or should not cross. 

I think if you've enjoyed the series so far, you will enjoy this one as well. I'm not sure if/when there will be a next book, but I'm interested to see where Daisy goes next.