A review by fwog19
Through the Grinder by Cleo Coyle


After reading the first book in the series, I've become as hooked on these books as Clare is on coffee. (I can totally relate to her there, too.) This book moved a lot faster than the first one, which was nice. There were a few times where I *had* to see what happened next. I still figured out who did it early enough into the book, but I kept an open mind because there might have been a twist that I wasn't expecting and my brain might have exploded.

Seriously, though, this book was a lot of fun to read. It's hard not to like Matteo, even though he can be a dick. He's willing to try to make up for his past indiscretions and he owns them. I really liked how passionate Clare was about coffee and those close to her. It was nice to get to know Joy a bit more, as well as Tucker, Quinn, and Esther. I also chuckle now every time I see the word "decaf" because of the mutual shudder that Clare and I share when it comes to decaf drinkers. (Seriously - what's the point? Don't want the caffeine? Drink water.)

The only two gripes I've got about the book are these: 1) Clare didn't really "solve" the crime in the first book. She had an idea, but ultimately just got lucky. 2) The editor must not have known the difference between "discrete" and "discreet." It's an understandable mistake, but it got annoying.

Overall, this book had me laughing and not wanting to put it down. Now I'm off to the library for book three!