A review by lunalibro
The Glass Sentence by S.E. Grove


Actual Rating: 4.5/5

I was completely BLOWN AWAY by this book! To start off, the beginning started off pretty slow for me (which is why I gave the book a 4.5 instead of a 5). I started to get really bummed out because I thought this would be another book to add to my list of "Ultra pretty covers, but, it's really really boring" books. However, once the action kicked in, I could not put this book down. This is a pretty hefty book and I practically flew through the pages. The plot was so engaging and I loved pretty much all the characters. Even the villain which is a total first for me! The other thing I absolutely LOVED LOVED about this book is the relationship between Sophia and Theo! I know, I know. This book is marketed as a middle-grade fantasy, but I ship this two cutie pies SO HARD!

Their relationship starts somewhat rocky towards the beginning, but, as you go through the story they develop a deep bond. IT'S REALLY REALLY HARD TO CONVINCE ME THAT THESE TWO DON'T HAVE SHIPPABLE POTENTIAL >.<

I finally got my hands on the sequel "The Golden Specific" and I can't wait to dive in to the world again!

Final Thoughts: Read/Pass