A review by bookdragonheart
Forging Darkness by Julie Hall


4.8 stars! The overarching theme to this book seems to center around how we support each other and the things we would do to keep the ones we love safe. As more and more secrets are revealed, and Emberly and her friends seek to help Steele find Silver, sacrifices are made that end up revealing even more about Emberly and her heritage and past. There’s a good amount of action, mixed with a healthy dose of exposition to continue building the world. Some new characters are introduced that have a big impact on their lives, and new questions arise as a result. As always, Emberly holds onto her snarky, take no crap, attitude, which is one of the things that endears her to the reader. But she’s also opening herself up to her new life and her new friends, which is very scary and intimidating, and definitely an unknown factor for her. The story is engrossing, and the world building is excellent, and the ending keeps you wanting more.