A review by megsmarvin17
Double Fault by Lionel Shriver


Failure is one long no-show, a surprise party where the guest of honor stands you up; a Great Expectations with unraveled lace and a cake full of rats.
I don't really know what to say. Often while reading this I flew through the pages, eager to know what happened, and other times, I skimmed pages, unable to read the thick paragraphs of descriptions. I just think that I am not a fan of Lionel Shriver's writing style. Her prose is often brutal yet beautiful but I often feel like I have to slog through it. I will say that she has an insane knack for writing characters that I feel absolutely no sympathy for. Everyone in this book is an awful person, just like in We Need to Talk About Kevin (which I couldn't even finish). It was interesting to read a book literally centered about my favorite hobby, though. I don't know, I'm just glad I finally finished it.