A review by dee9401
Company by Max Barry


I finished reading Max Barry’s latest book, Company, while I was at the gym on Wednesday. I usually don’t read books while I work out, only magazines or newspapers. But, I simply couldn’t put this book down. Whether I was nodding my head in understanding or laughing my butt off, I loved this book from the first to the last page. I’d read [b:Jennifer Government|5297|The Picture of Dorian Gray|Oscar Wilde|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1204865529s/5297.jpg|1858012], his second novel, last year. I liked that book a lot but felt it was a bit rushed and Hollywood-y at the end. His new book didn’t suffer from a lackluster denouement.

A recent business school grad named Jones gets hired at Zephyr, a Seattle-based holding company. Eager to start using all his fresh academic knowledge, Jones jumps headfirst into his first corporate experience, only to discover that what he read in his books doesn’t always match what happens day to day in corporate cube farms. Illuminated by fluorescent lighting, Jones starts to work his way around this strange company. He’s unwilling to just be a corporate monkey, repeating task after worthless task in the monotonous grind of 9-5.

For anyone who’s worked in a cube farm, or worked for a large company, this book is a must read. The caustic views of human resources, senior management, administrative assistants, and front-line managers will have you laughing constantly. You might also shed a tear, knowing that you too have been in many of the situations where Jones finds himself.