A review by erincataldi
The Bungalow Mystery by Carolyn Keene


Classic Nancy Drew. Near death escapes, unheard of independence, sharp sleuthing skills, easily solvable mysteries, and overly confident criminals are just a few of the signature elements that contribute to Nancy's continual success. While vacationing with her best friend, the two girls get stuck in a storm, sink their boat and nearly drown. Thankfully a girl their age hears their screams for help and the girls have made a new friend for life. As they gossip and get to know each other their rescuer, Lauren, tells them her sob story about how she is an orphan and she must soon meet the couple her mother entrusted her to. As the summer vacation progresses, Nancy notices a lot of things that don't add up about Lauren's new guardians and does some sleuthing. She quickly manages to get into more life threatening trouble but discovers that something is really wrong.

Predictable, but amusing. For fans of strong female leads and Scooby Doo.