A review by lindsical
The Talented Clementine by Sara Pennypacker


I love the Clementine series. I have read these books to my 2nd and 3rd graders as daily read alouds for a few years now.

My students love Clementine and her sense of humor and good-natured spirit. I think these books are adorable, relatable to kids, and enjoyable for adults/teachers as well. They make great read aloud chapter books that are entertaining and fun.

I love Clementine's personality. She is obviously not the perfect child, but she tries so hard. She is funny, clever, and very observant to the world around her, even though it doesn't always appear to be the case. I LOVE how adults reading the book can understand a different perspective about children who might struggle with ADD/ADHD. I don't think it's ever confirmed, but I am certain Clementine does. She often appears to not be paying attention in class but really she is observing numerous other things going on around her that others are oblivious to. I love also how when she 'gets in trouble' it's never for the reasons it appears to be. She has her own brilliant way of thinking and sometimes others, her teacher and parents, have a hard time understanding the reasons behind her actions.
Which leads me to her adorable family. I love her parents and the relationship she has with them. They are so supportive and loving of their children. Admittedly, we mostly see their relationship with Clementine, since she's the narrator. I love how we don't actually know her brother's name, but I'd love to find out someday. Clementine calls him a variety of vegetable names since she is named after a fruit, she thinks it's unfair he got a normal name, thus she calls him everything from Spinach, to Carrot, to Bean Sprout.

I highly recommend the Clementine series to elementary age students and teachers/parents of elementary age children. They are wholesome, family friendly, and adorable stories.