A review by 0100
The Fragile Threads of Power by V.E. Schwab



preface: i am DRUNK!!! <3 let's go by character

LILA: ok. so she started out less insufferable than in adsom. and then she became more insufferable, and then once again less insufferable, to the point that i actually kind of liked her again in that last bit

KELL: kell <3333333 

ALUCARD: yayyyy alucard

RHY: rhy has always been (and will always be) my favorite....looking forward to even more rhy

KOSIKA: schwab's first books always feel a bit scattered so kosika is not hugely relevant yet but i like her! i am excited for the cast to converge

TES: i really like tes. 

HOLLAND: leave him alone...leave the poor guy alone........i love you holland vosijk

tldr: i'm drunk but also i'm excited for the rest of the trilogy !! and more kell and more rhy. 

other things:
- i wanted more black london stuff at the end of adsom so glad we're getting that. king rhy i didn't really want bc monarchy etc etc but i'm going to stay hopeful. i don't remember what else i was going to say. i kind of wish alucard had been the one to kill berras though we HATE berras emery...