A review by mad3lime
I'm with the Band: Confessions of a Groupie by Pamela Des Barres


first of all, this is an iconic piece of history. easy to read & so tantalising.

a couple of things though! some really weird comments about minors, as well as some people doing fucked up things & her continuing to be friends with them…. i had to check when this was first published because i was shocked at the content & the way she talked about it. made more sense seeing it was originally published in the 80s, although was still gross. 

i feel torn about her story. on one hand, i resonate with her passion & desires, i think she made the most of every opportunity & has lived fully & freely, i admire her. on the other, i feel as though most of these men got away with treating her badly. & she doesn’t really talk about that, she seems to be able to not get jaded. pamela still loves so fully & may i maybe say, blindly, no matter how many times she was burned. (she has to have adhd right???)

i think she just idolised men a little too much - i wish there were more mentions of any female musicians she thought were as magical as the men.