A review by elliefufu
Bound by Blood by Amanda Ashley


Bound by Blood, Bound #2, by Amanda Ashley
Grade: D

“I’m always right, Katy darlin’. And now that that’s settled, I think we should get down to some serious huggin’ and kissin’.”

As a half human, half vampire and the only daughter of the Romanian Carpathian Fortress, Kaitlyn Sherrad has lived a very sheltered life. Now at twenty one, she has finished college and convinced her parents to let her stay in America and try to make her own way in Nevada. Late one night Kaitlyn meets Zack Ravenscroft, a local casino owner, who immediately sweeps her off her feet. Little do they both know they have more in common then they think and their similarities just might make their romance forbidden.
As a six hundred year old vampire Zack Ravenscroft never thought he would find a woman to spend his life and as one of The Order, vampires who are made not born, his relationship with Kaitlyn is forbidden and her father is hell bent on keeping them apart. Zack must now fight for his relationship not only against the woman that he loves family but against an old enemy who has come back for revenge and has chosen Kaitlyn as their target. Zack and Kaitlyn must now prove to everyone that they deserve love and happiness together and they will do anything or fight anyone to attain it.
Bound by Blood is the second book in Amanda Ashley’s Bound Series and it picks up twenty one years after Bound by Night leaves off which is the story of Kaitlyn’s mother and father, Elena and Drake. This book was much better then the first in the series, which I previously reviewed, but I found it to be very boring and uneventful. I think that to really understand what is going on in this story you would need to read the first book or else you will be very confused as the two books have very interwoven plot lines.
I had a few problems with this book but I think the thing that bothers me the most is how fast Kaitlyn and Zack meet and fall in love. There is no big anticipation at all with their relationship and after the first hundred pages they are in love, going to get married and the book moves on to the person who is trying to get revenge on Kaitlyn’s family. I disliked the Romeo and Juliet parallel a lot and found that the forbidden romance between the two to be an opening for Kaitlyn to whine and complain a lot.
Kaitlyn reminded me very much of her mother from the first book and this is not a compliment. I found her to be very spoiled, boring, a goody-goody, highly annoying and lacking any sort of backbone. I very much dislike weak female leads and Kaitlyn is the poster child for weak female leads. The only woman who had any sort of guts was portrayed as the villain while the meek, crawl into a corner and wait for the men to save them woman are the heroins. At one point a male character told a female that if she didn’t do what he said he would “Lock her in her room.” I’m sorry what? These two are supposed to be in love for years and are married and he’s going to lock her in her room like a child? These are just not the sort of characters that I like reading about. The male characters are okay but nothing special.
I found most of this book to be very bad and I found myself rolling my eyes a lot. I think the action is very good but the romance is lacking and so are the characters. I was very excited to read this series and highly disappointed. Plain and simple, as far as paranormal romances go this isn’t a very good one and I can’t recommend it as a fan of the genre.