A review by tobyyy
Pride and Prescience: Or, a Truth Univesally Acknowledged by Carrie Bebris


I really enjoyed Pride & Prescience. Bebris did a good job, in my opinion, of capturing Regency England and the way that people would speak and think - although there were a couple glaringly obvious problems with some dialogue: a few instances where words from modern-day America were used and that kind of ruined the scene - for me, at least.

Going into it knowing that it was going to be a little bit... unexpected definitely helped with the ending. That's really the only problem I have with it - the ending was a little unbelievable and wrapped things up a little too neatly for my liking. I mean, I knew that certain people couldn't be involved in certain things (and I know I am being vague... you'll have to read it to find out!!), so that narrowed down the detective work to just a couple people.

However, Mr Darcy and Lizzie made adorable newlywed detectives, and I do look forward to reading the second book in the series!! :D I highly recommend it to anyone who wants a good romp through post-Pride & Prejudice Regency England with familiar characters.