A review by melodicfate
Red by Kate SeRine


This book was an interesting story. It was police procedural, with fairytale characters. It was also urban fantasy, as it took place in Chicago. I knew that I had to read it as soon as I saw the synopsis for it, and I'm happy to say that I made a good choice.

Red was a good main character. I loved her dedication to the fairytale side of the police. Her toughness and strength were also good qualities that I admired. However, she definitely had some not-so-fine moments, and made some poor choices. Her past featured heavily in the story, and I liked seeing her deal with that. Even though it did make me mad sometimes, and I thought she needed to stop running away so much.

The side characters in this story were interesting. Nate was my favorite, by far. I loved how he was a detective, but he was also Death. It certainly made for some interesting situations, as his and Red's relationship grew. I felt so bad for him, because it was obvious how much he cared about Red. I loved Gran, and thought she was a great person for taking Red in. We also met THE Elizabeth Bennet and Darcy from Pride and Prejudice, and I couldn't wait to see how the author would write them. I thought Elizabeth was a wonderful best friend to Red, and that Darcy was a bit proud, though of course I thought that. ;)

The plot of this book was a mix of mystery and romance. Red and Nate had to figure out who was killing fairytale characters all throughout Chicago, and Red's past loves were some of the suspects. I loved how this gave a sense of mystery, as well as let us learn about Red's character.. I liked the action and suspense of trying to figure out who was committing the crimes, and thought it made for a good story.

Overall, I really liked this book. The mystery was intriguing, as was following the story from a fairytale character's point of view. Of course, it felt less fairytale and more police procedural, and just a touch of urban fantasy. But then, that's how I like my books. My only complaint would be some of the more questionable things that Red did, but I got over them, and would definitely recommend the story to anyone looking for something original and different.