A review by ktomp17
Just Stay by Aria Grace


I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review

I really don't like starting books in the middle of a series, but if it is considered a standalone then I am OK with it. It was stated that this book could be read as a standalone. While I could agree and say that the overall story didn't need the previous stories in order to be fully understood, I definitely felt like I was missing something by not at least reading book 3 ([b:Choosing Happy|20895061|Choosing Happy (More Than Friends, #3)|Aria Grace|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1393224265s/20895061.jpg|40238196]-Steve and Joey's story)...which sounds like it needs Books 1 and 2 ([b:More Than Friends|16240204|More Than Friends (More Than Friends, #1)|Aria Grace|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1354734513s/16240204.jpg|22245404] and [b:Drunk in Love|20647672|Drunk in Love (More Than Friends, #2)|Aria Grace|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1390937733s/20647672.jpg|39941157]-Zach and Ryan's stories). It wasn't a big something, but I wished I better understood the relationships and backgrounds between the friends.

That said, the story was enjoyable. I liked Dylan and Spencer. Spencer was the shy, nerdy, rich guy and Dylan was the tough, buff, sexy body guard. It did surprise me a little bit that Dylan was as "clueless" as he was made out to be in the beginning, while seeming very smart and put together throughout the rest of the book. When the two finally got together, they were HOT! There was some nice action/mystery added to the story to give it a little more substance, too. That was enjoyable.

One thing I did like was having the POV with a little bit of overlap. I know for some it could get repetitive, but I thought it gave me a little more insight into the other persons POV during parts and I enjoyed that.

This was probably more of a 3.5 star read for me, but I am rounding up. I liked this book.