A review by shybookstagramer
Mad Man by Onley James


After reading Headcase, I was worried about reading Avi's story. But damnnnn! It was so good! The Mulvany twins are mirror twins in physical appearance and in personality. Their books were also mirrored in a way. While Asa is dark, twisted, and dominant, Avi is sweeter and more submissive. Don't get me wrong, Avi still has his own darkness because after all, he is a psychopathic killer, but he is definitely different than Asa, especially with Felix. Speaking of Felix, I freaking love him! He is ahh. I don't even know how to explain him. I just love him. I loved Avi's and Felix's interactions both during spicy scenes and not. The fact that Avi called Felix "kitten" makes my heart explode. I can't handle that cuteness. Felix is probably one of my favorite boyfriends. He's sweet and adorable but also badass. 
Something else I really enjoyed about this book is that it took place during the events of Headcase. Asa and Avi were separated. So in Headcase, we got Asa's experience and in Mad Man, we got Avi's. I thought it was clever to do it that way and very fitting that they both found their matches at the same time. When the stories diverged, aka when Mad Man continued on past the timeline of Headcase, we got to see the two couples interact and even though I struggled with Asa, I love this group of 4!  They're so drastically different but also not. Plus Felix and Zane bonding, oh my god! I can't. These interactions made me love Zane more than I did before. I just need more of these two being adorably sweet to each other and protective of one another. I love them. 
I also liked that we got to see more of Aiden, which makes me even more excited for Maniac.
Overall so good! Definitely what I needed to bring me out of the darkness of Headcase.

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