A review by akookieforyou
Marmalade Boy, Tome 3 by Wataru Yoshizumi



I'll be honest, the relationships felt kinda stagnant this volume. I guess it's because we are just told over and over that Miki likes Yuu, but we aren't necessarily shown their love develop in a more natural and appealing way. And half the time it really feels like Yuu only cares about Miki as a stepsister and friend, not as a love interest. I did like most of the Christmas chapter though, it had a lot of cute and sweet moments.

Meiko and the teacher's storyline didn't do much for me either. It sort of just came and went, and overall didn't feel that impactful to the overarching story. It's probably just because we barely saw anything relating to their romance before this volume (and only a couple chapters at that. It also served to make me like Meiko less, she was a cruel bitch to Miki when she was just trying to be there for her, and her apology wasn't that great either. Hopefully the next volume will pick back up and be better.