A review by yrc
The Memory of Souls by Jenn Lyons


What a master Lyons has become,
I truly think this is the best book in the series so far!

In the beginning of this one, Kirhin and company are sent on a rather simple mission- remind king Kelanis of the Manol Vane to perform the Ritual Of the Night so that Vol Karoth is locked away once more. But, it seems the king and other factions are not so easy to even reach let alone persuade. Indeed, he's eager to deal out death sentences without a blink and the company finds themselves in some very risky situations.

What I liked particularly in this book was the fact that it's becoming even clearer no side be it Relos Var or the Gods are good or bad or totally right about decision to be made. Certain actions can't be reversed and now everyone must decide whether they're willing to sacrifice and accept a different vantage point. The scope got even bigger in this book, but there were still some great quirky moments including the best imaginative feast ever and a deity that has to do with gastronomic movements. Character flashbacks were sometimes a bit much, but Lyons thereafter provided more information and by the end we're of course left with another cliff hanger!

I highly recommend this book and this series thus far in my opinion matches if not surpasses martin's GOT with it's complexity, character development and worldbuilding.