A review by kuzminichna
The Quantum Rose by Catherine Asaro


This book is an allegory of quantum processes! Written by a physicist based on her very own dissertation. How cool is that?! Science fiction styled after science - that is so deliciously meta. Even without, it is a delightful story about a very courageous young girl finding love, escaping an abusive relationship, learning the ways of some obscure edge-of-the-Galaxy human-integrated tech, saving a planet or two - with some seriously entertaining Disneyesque scenery (blue unicorns!!! With translucent, rainbow-filled horns and hoofs! Bwoooahahahaha) and mildly erotic scenes to boot. And all that - an allegory of the "mathematical and physical processes of coupled-channel quantum scattering theory"!!! This is so very hard core. So very hard, rainbow sprinkled on top core. My inner girl nerd cried tears of pure unadulterated joy. Filled with rainbows and pretty sparkles.