A review by emilymyhren
Dear World: A Syrian Girl's Story of War and Plea for Peace by Bana Alabed


"I turned eight while I was working on my book so I got to make a wish when I was blowing out my candles. It was hard to decide on only one wish, because I have many, like: I want to never have to hear or see a bomb again. I want to be able to go home to live in Aleppo one day. I want a baby sister. I want to go to school and to university. But most of all, I want people to stop fighting with bombs and guns in Syria and all over the world. I want there to please be peace. I am now eight years old, and this is my wish." -Bana Alabed

Bana is following in the footsteps as Malala and other brave activists for peace. Bana though is only 8 years old, but has spent most of her life in war-torn Allepo, Syria. She gives an eye-opening look into a daily life faced with bombings and fear, yet she is full of hope. Bana is an inspiration and will inspire many more to stand up for peace.