A review by kalifer
NPR American Chronicles: Women's Equality by Susan Stamberg, National Public Radio


This was definitely an interesting experience. I like that it seemed more like a podcast than a book, especially since I do like podcasts! I really enjoyed hearing the voices of the many women throughout history, and hearing their impact on women's equality. I appreciated the fact that they brought in voices that were not entirely for feminism or against certain women's issues. While those voices were not ones I agreed with, it was still interesting to hear the stories and voices of women of all types, even ones that may oppose the things I hold to be important issues. Telling history in a biased way is not a bad thing, though the bias usually comes out when the history is told. Not because the author themself is being biased, but because it's pretty obvious which conclusion you're supposed to come to given the history at hand. I often forget that people see things differently than I do, so hearing the differing voices was both good and hard to hear. But, again, I still appreciated it.