A review by annes
Steal My Heart by Aimee O'Brian


This review was first published on http://www.foreverthewanderer.ie/steal-my-heart-book-review/

Gifted | This book was provided by Xpresso Book Tours in return for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

First off I was really excited to get into this book because it sounded very different to normal contemporary romance novels. Right from the beginning you get the sense that this is going to be a hot and steamy book with many many spicy scenes littered throughout the pages.

This story was a very unique and different but it fell short on execution. At the time of reading this story I enjoyed it but once I finished this book and sat down to think about this story and conjure up my thoughts for this review I realised there were some problems with this story that didn’t sit well with me.

Steal my heart was a very fast paced story. It didn’t give a lot of time to building up the story and just threw us into the story without knowing the characters.

In the synopsis it talks about Lexanne trying to solve these crimes but there is barely any investigation throughout this story even though she’s a police officer which really annoyed me.

The ending came very very quickly and it all wrapped up neatly with a little bow but didn’t really give me any of the answers that I wanted.

Although this story is a quick read that can definitely get you out of a reading slump it’s not the best book that I have read. I enjoyed this story as I read it and flew through it so if you’re looking for a quick and easy read Steal my heart is the one for you.