A review by shayan_reads
The Lost Girl by Sangu Mandanna


I quite like Mandanna's concept, but I don't think she develops it quite successfully. Any kind of rational questioning and the basic premise of the books falls apart. Echoes, Looms, rules and regulations, hunters, all resonate with ideas from [b:Never Let Me Go|6334|Never Let Me Go|Kazuo Ishiguro|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1353048590s/6334.jpg|1499998] and [b:The Host|1656001|The Host (The Host, #1)|Stephenie Meyer|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1318009171s/1656001.jpg|3328799] but none of the questions raised about soul, and what is it to be human is done justice by the absurd plot twists, and the way he story unfolds. Characters are extremely one dimensional and unconvincing, their motivation is perpetually shrouded , and some like Lekha serve just the purpose of having the funny sidekick, best friend cliché. Ray is a parody of a angsty boyfriend, Matthew is a joke. Neither England, nor Bangalore is set up properly, and remain vague shadows against. Seems like the cold weather and cows in the middle of the roads is the only aspect the author gleaned off Wikipedia searches of both places.

Pacing is good, but overall this book is very unsatisfying.