A review by rhodered
Anniversary Day by Jay Snyder, Kristine Kathryn Rusch


Wow. This is the start of a new story arc in the Retrieval Man series. At first it returns to old material, the day of the dome explosion four years before. This time experienced through Nyquist's eyes. And it's very well written, but you start to think, retread. Getting bored now.

Then Armstrong's Mayor is assassinated, and the story splinters into dozen or so viewpoints. Various detectives, politicians, their assistants... Everyone is rushing about, doing this, doing that. It's well written, but not this author's strength. She's really really good at delving into just one to three protagonists viewpoints and focusing on in depth on a particular story line, often with personal development for the characters. Not this ceaseless action and flipping from perspective to perspective to perspective.

So, I was feeling disappointed in this book. Like, well, I guess the good days of this series are over.

And then BAM! The final third brings all the strings and perspectives together in a crescendo that you really were not expecting. Wow. Fantastic.

And I'm left hooked on the other side of the last page. Thank goodness I have the next books in this series set to go right now. Thank goodness they are all written! This is not a series you would want to wait for each installment of. I'm not saying it's a cliffhanger so much as it is a compelling story with a lot of legs left to it.

Well done.