A review by tashaseegmiller
Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown


Listening to this book was one of those situations where I didn't know of a book's existence and then, suddenly, it was everywhere. I'd heard the audiobook was good and found it to be more than that: it's brilliant.

Greg McKeown has great insights on how to negotiate a society and tendency toward a life full of busyness, consistent connectivity, and never-ending interruptions and distractions. It isn't a suggestion that is extreme, though there are points that would be difficult for all of us. Instead, it is about transitioning into a life where what we do, who we interact with, the results of choices we make become intentional and full of purpose.

McKeown is delightful to listen to (cue sucker for a great British accent) and I found that I wanted to listen to it when I only had 30 seconds, one minute, small increments. I already recommended this book to some friends as key moments in the text reminded me of someone, but I feel strongly that it is a book everyone should read/listen to.