A review by snarkywench
Stargazer by Claudia Gray


Well Claudia Gray lost me on this one. Sure there was heaps more Balthazar (always a good thing) but there wasn't enough in this novel to really capture my interest or enthrall me. The only thing that excited me what a scene between Bianca and Balty that was rudely interrupted by a wraith. That's not enough to make the other 331 pages worth the read.

Lucas bores me. Raquel annoys me. There's not enough of Vic or Ranulph. Charity is a bland and boring villain. In fact, Bianca is pretty bland and boring herself. That being said, I will read Hourglass just to find out what happens. But my interest in the Black Cross is non-existent and the only person (scrap that, vampire) I give two hoots about is left behind.

Overrated, underwritten and clearly created as a paper thin bridge in a larger series. Not good enough. A lukewarm twist doesn't a good book make.