A review by emmahw
The Book of Nonsense and Nonsense Songs by Edward Lear


Everyone's familiar with 'The Owl and the Pussycat' from their childhood and this lovely collection of Edward Lear poems will transport you right back to your younger days. This is a wonderfully nonsensical book that can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

I read this book as one of my set texts for next year of uni and finished it in only a couple of days. It's really short with lovely little illustrations to accompany the text and I found it was great as a light reliever from revision stress. This is by no means a criticism but I was amazed at how many of the poems resulted in death; it was never something I'd noticed as a child. And yet, reading through his limericks there was poem after poem of people getting killed or murdered. Somehow the sing-song rhymes made their deaths just that little bit more sinister.
A lot of the poems were very familiar to me and it was nice re-reading old favourites. As a child I had a CD of Spike Milligan reading nonsense rhymes and quite a few of the poems in this collection were read out on the CD. I really enjoyed re-reading childhood favourites and would definitely recommend this book to anyone with a small child or anyone who just wants a trip down memory lane.