A review by my_corner_of_the_library
24690 by Alaska Angelini, A.A. Dark

Did not finish book. Stopped at 9%.
This was a very, very quick DNF for me. Like, 9%. 

I did not understand the writing of this book. I felt so confused by many thing right off the bat. How can one POV be in love with another but treat her like a dog while getting mad when anyone else does it, claiming it’s to protect an image but still making no attempt to make things better at least for this person? Who in the world was the third POV, since it wasn’t explained almost at all in his chapter.

For some reason the combination of Multiple POV’s that were all from 1st person in the past tense made it very hard to decent between the different voices and really threw me off balance right away. 

Writing was just not for me.