A review by aboutthatstory
Love Me By Christmas by Jaci Burton


Such an awesome story! It was sweet and fun with the perfect mix of emotion added in. By the end, my heart was pretty much exploding with happiness. :-)

This had everything I love rolled up into one impactful story. The story jumps right in with all the important details and introductions and I immediately wanted Nick and Ellie to have their happily ever after. I totally understood their conflict and why they were holding back. Their attraction to the other is really fun and cute, all the longing and looks. It had me smiling big time. It was so sweet watching their shields come down as they let their attraction out. Nick was so kind and caring and Ellie was just so strong with all that had happened in her life. I loved their internal struggle to work through everything. They had a wonderful connection and ease with one another and really like how everything grew so naturally.

I thought the writing was great. There are excellent details and a really nice cast of characters. There was a great build and pace as well. The story moved along at a quick pace but it never felt rushed or like it was missing anything. There was so much emotion and that ending, it was all I could do not to ball my eyes out. It was just a sweet, cathartic moment. Add some sexy times in to round it all out and it was pretty great read.

I love an HEA that leaves my heart feeling full and that’s exactly what happened. Wonderful story full of so much love, strength, and healing. Fantastic read.

Complimentary copy received for honest review.