A review by books_n_blossoms
Believing the Hero by Tara Grace Ericson


Clearly this was a good read for me if I finished it in one day! Now, since this is book 9 in the series and I haven't read the rest, I was glad to see that it could be read as a stand alone novel. Clearly there were characters who have a history in the little town of Freedom, CO, and reading this story only makes me want to go back and read all of the others even more.

I have to say, it was a) nice to see an older man on a cover and b) to have a story for an older generation. I mean, 50 is the new 30, right? Makes sense that more authors would be writing in this age range. And I'm here for it!

This story felt every bit as romancy as a story with characters in their 20s and 30s, just with more of a history in life. It was nice that Jan and Pete were settled down in their lives in the little town they grew up in. Pete's life, not nearly as settled as Jan's, but settled nevertheless. I really enjoyed Jan's relationship with her son & daughter-in-law as well as with her grandson.

As I got to know Pete, I felt bad that he'd never been married, but that left room for Jan when the time was right. Unfortunately, the timing is exactly when his past has caught up with him and things start to unravel. The suspense was a great part of the story that ended way too fast for me. lol

The faith element was incredibly strong in this story and I LOVED it! I appreciate on a deep level when authors are willing to make faith one of the biggest elements of the story. It brings reading to another level for me as a reader. The author does it in a way that seems entirely natural to the story and the characters.

*I received this book for review. This is my personal opinion.