A review by mkesten
Будущее вещей: Как сказка и фантастика становятся реальностью by David Rose, Дэвид Роуз


Enchanted Objects opens with a curious contradiction: one the one hand, mobile phones and tablets are rapidly devouring many of the devices we've had in our homes and offices over generations, including the piano, the paintbrush, the copier, and the bankbook; on the other hand, the steep drop in the price of networkable sensors are proliferating across the landscape in ever greater numbers, numbering in the billions and soon trillions. These sensors are allowing us to gather ever greater amounts of data about us and our environment. What fewer objects we need will be quickly absorbed into a global brain. The sensors will make us more connected, perhaps more efficient, and most certainly more surveilled. It may feel a little lonelier in the house, but that is an illusion. Or is it? Author David Rose, an inventor, teacher, and entrepreneur seems happier with the promise of these networked systems. He builds them, and helps connect the dots.