A review by troystory
24 Hours in Ancient Athens: A Day in the Life of the People Who Lived There by Philip Matyszak


What an incredible book! It's poignant and well written and full of heart. It has a beautiful, believable, and charming cast of characters - who tend to connect in surprising, but very pleasant, ways. This is exactly the kind of book I'd recommend to anyone who's interested in the amazing world that was Golden Age Athens. It isn't like most history books: instead of lecturing about big events and important people, it humbly presents the lives and stories of everyday Athenians. These are the kinds of people you would encounter on the streets, at the market, and anywhere else. There is just something so special about being able to learn more about the lives of normal people back then, to see the world from their eyes and know what their views of celebrities were. It really connects you to the past, in a way no other book I've read has been able to.

I would say this is a must-read. Give it a try - you won't be disappointed.