A review by acacia_happy_hour
H. P. Lovecraft: Tales (Loa #155) by H.P. Lovecraft


I think my initial problem here is the constant comparison of Lovecraft to Poe (both in the intro to this book and by readers on Goodreads), which I think colored my expectations about what kind of stories I would be encountering. Poe is my absolute favorite author, so I'm a tough critic whenever any other author is compared with him. And while I can see where the similarities between the two exist, if Poe is your favorite, be warned that these stories probably will not live up to your expectations.

After reading the bulk of the work, however, it became clear that my main issue was that many of the stories have very similar plot-lines, themes, and characters. This may have been exaggerated because all of these similar stories were bundled together in this edition, but it made reading it a little bit tedious after 3 or 4 stories about a creepy cellar. That isn't to say I didn't enjoy reading some of them though. The Dunwich Horror, The Rats in the Walls, He, and Herbert West-Reanimator were among the most entertaining/scary.