A review by kayladbruns
Blitzed by Alexa Martin


Intercepted ★★★★☆
Fumbled ★★★☆☆

After devouring the first two books of this series this month, I was super excited to get to Brynn’s story. She came off so sassy and I just knew I would love her book. Sadly friends, that didn’t happen.

What I did enjoy from this book was being back in the Mustang community and the friendship between the women. Every time these ladies are together I never fail to laugh. The way they are so in tune with one another and so protective of each other never seems to amaze me.

The actual story between Brynn and Maxwell? I don’t know another word for how I felt while reading except boring. I didn’t feel any chemistry between them and the turn from friendship to romance wasn’t believable to me. I can’t love a romance novel if there isn’t a romance to actually root for.

Besides the romance not being what I expected, the biggest disappointment for me was Brynn. I really don’t believe that this was the woman who was so sassy and had the best concept for a bar. It’s like she was a watered down version of the person we got to see in previous books. She came off a bit immature and almost whiney. I also didn’t like some of the choices that her character made.

While this didn’t live up to my expectations, I still plan on continuing this series and I hope the next book will be about Eloise!

TW: Talks of sexual assault

I received an ARC via NetGalley for an honest review.

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