A review by srousseau
Personal Effects by E. M. Kokie


Matt is 17 and lives with his dad. His father is ex-military, very controlling, and doesn't have any compunction about hitting Matt if he is displeased. Matt's brother, T.J., was a soldier killed in the war in Iraq. Neither Matt nor his father are dealing with this loss well. Matt is getting into trouble in school, failing classes, and is very angry. Matt's dad is eradicating any evidence of T.J.'s existence from their house and refuses to talk about him. When the Army sends three footlockers of T.J.'s personal effects to his family, Matt decides he has to go through them before his father gets rid of them. Matt discovers things about his brother he never knew and begins to deal with some of his problems.

This was an excellent book about the family left behind. Matt's life wasn't all sweetness and light before his brother was killed, and it spirals downhill after his death. There isn't a pat ending, but it is hopeful. Matt's journey is believable. I think this book has something for most readers - it's realistic fiction with a male protagonist who has a rough life, a female best friend and a brother he idolizes who is gone. I highly recommend this book.