A review by cute_monkey_girl
First King of Shannara by Terry Brooks


This is a good book for middle schoolers and those who are new to the fantasy scene. The action is fast-paced, there are some interesting bits of dialogue, and some intriguing monsters and villains. However, for those of you who are more into LOTR, I would not recommend this book. I would not recommend it either if you are more well-versed in fantasy.

I read this book for the first time in middle school, back before having ever read The Hobbit or LOTR, and I was hooked. However, upon re-reading it, it was hard for me to finish the book. I had to grit my teeth and push myself through this time around. It was hard for me to connect with the characters or feel sympathy for their plight. The character development felt too rushed and forced, and it seemed everywhere I looked, the book was riddled with cliches and stereotypes.

Around this same time, I've started re-reading the LOTR trilogy. Back in middle school, I tried reading through Tolkien's trilogy, but most of it flew over my head and I hardly remember any of it; but, upon re-reading it, I find that I enjoy it much more now. I also found a lot of suspicious similarities between the LOTR trilogy and this book (which is not surprising considering I've just read Brooks was a huge Tolkien fan and has admitted to blatantly ripping off of LOTR in some of his books)...