A review by erinmitchell
Everything Is Spiritual: Who We Are and What We're Doing Here by Rob Bell


3.5 stars rounded up. I’m not sure how to rate this book. There aren’t any chapters. It’s over 300 pages of rambling thoughts that are somewhat connected. Even so, it gave me a lot to reflect on and plenty of nuggets that I will return to. Rob Bell somehow gives words that express my angst, frustration, and disequilibrium. While also giving reassurances of hope, faith, truth, and life that are like a balm to my weary heart.

“I often thought of walking away from the whole thing. That was tempting. But I couldn’t. There’s too much truth, too much power, too much wisdom in this ancient movement to walk away from it just because the American religious/military machine had lost its way. I didn’t have to walk away from what has shaped and vitalized my life in a thousand ways because somebody somewhere bastardized and blasphemed it. I could double down on it. I had to show people that this giant monolith that claimed to be the Christian voice in the world had gone off the rails.”