A review by gayathiri_rajendran
Hunted by the Sky by Tanaz Bhathena


Hunted By The Sky by Tanaz Bhathena is a fantasy set in medieval India. The story follows Gul,a girl with a star shaped birthmark and a prophecy which foretells that a girl with a star shaped birthmark would overthrow the tyrannical ruler of Ambar. This lays the foundation for the plot.

I'm so happy to be reading an own voices fantasy after a long time. The setting is in medieval India with several elements of magic introduced. There are a lot of mentions about Indian culture such as saree,pallu,kachoris etc which made my heart happy.

The main character Gul is very well written and we are able to empathize with her. The side characters such as Cavas,Juhi and Amira are also well written and we have a lot of diversity. This books deals with several social issues such as caste divide, discrimination, gender equality etc. The people in this story are divided into magi and non magi and the tension between both the groups takes up a considerable part in the plot.

The word building is great and we are transported to the world of Ambar as we read. The pacing is good with alternate POVs of Gul and Cavas. There are several twists throughout the book to keep us on our toes and the ending was done very well. I can't wait to read the sequel which comes out later this year!

An enjoyable and action packed own voices read!