A review by meganclark1111
The Listeners by Jordan Tannahill


*** SPOILERS ***

I would say that for the enjoyment of the read, I would give this book 4 stars. For execution closer to 3 stars.

This book had a really interesting premise and one that I was keen to explore with the narrator. I enjoyed the pace of the book and slight teasers of something more sinister at play.

What I thought could have been better was mostly wrapped up in the last 50 pages of the book. Although there was a climatic ending to this story, I believe more could have been explored in regards to Howard's past and his pivotal role within the story.

I think that Claire's ending with Paul was a bit of a washout and forced. These characters had started to move on and Claire's identity and values had changed quite a lot throughout the novel.

One thing I did enjoy with the ending was the fact that the author leaves this story wide open again with Claire hearing the hum again. It makes the reader wonder if the others can hear it still and what has been covered up by society as a whole.

The postscript is a refreshing summary of the story from Claire's own perspective. It was the perfect way to end this story and highlights the different themes and issues which are explored throughout this book.