A review by bookshortie
What I Did by Kate Bradley


This was an intriguing read. From the first page you are thrown into a tense and gripping situation that the main character Lisa is in.

What we know is that Lisa has taken her son Jack and she's now on the run from Jack’s father. That’s all I’m going to say as any more information would give spoilers but if you'd like a bit more detail on what the book is about I would read the synopsis. This is a book you need to read if you enjoy thrillers and as soon as you start reading you won’t be able to put it down which is what I found.

The book switches between the past and the present giving context to Lisa’s family life, the people around her, what is happening in the present and what has happened in the past. By jumping between past and present you are painted with a picture of how Lisa has got to where she is today.

I can only describe this book as absorbing which pulls you in from the first page. When I first started reading I thought I’d worked out what was going on, where the story was headed and how the characters all fitted into the story. Then part way through, the story took a direction I wasn’t expecting which turned everything I thought I knew on its head and took a completely new direction. This gives this book a significant edge on other thrillers I’ve read.

All I can say is I've never read a book or a story like this before. It has been so cleverly written that it kept me guessing from the outset. The plot twist is a work of genius. If you're looking for a intense thriller with lots of twists and turns along the way I’d highly recommend this book.

This was one of my first reads of 2021 and all I can say is that it was the best book to start the year with.

I received a gifted copy of this book for an honest review.