A review by jennrobyn
We Are Displaced by Malala Yousafzai


I started and finished this book in one day. While I have a hard time forming an opinion on someone’s real life journey I will say that this book definitely made me open my eyes more to what is happening in this world, and how so much of it is happening in silence.
Things become “old news”, and they fall off the radar of the media or other various outlets that inform us public who are snuggled in our homes and safe in our beds. For example, I had no idea of the horrible wars being fought in the Congo. I had no idea that Bangladesh was letting refugees in but essentially trapping them there afterwards.
And for this to be brought to my attention through the words of children, young girls, some younger than my daughters. This book was eye opening and is a book that should be shared and talked about. I want my kids to read this book.
The common thread with all these storytellers is education. They all strived to stay in school and become educated. They all know that education means hope. So think of the difference we could make, those of us who are already educated. Those of us who don’t have to first fight to get an education and then do something that strikes change with that education. The majority of us can skip right to striking change. That makes the wheels in my head turn and makes my heart feel hopeful for this world.
I applaud Malala for extending her message to include these others. She says she no longer wants to tell her story because she wants to make sure others are heard. That is a huge, selfless thing that I think, is riddled with lessons to be learned.
Thank you Malala! Thank you.