A review by scottk1222
The Invisible Library by Genevieve Cogman


I really enjoyed reading The Invisible Library, which gives me a sense of relief. I had read a few negative reviews, which kind of hadme questioning my choice, but Iam glad that I read it. Was it a perfect book? No, I wouldn't say that, but it was an enjoyable read, that kept my attention. The world building was such that it wasn't just an info dump (which totally would have lost me) but the info was stretched throughout the whole book.That is a greatly appreciated talent, that will work out well and build upon hopefully, going into the rest of the series. I feel that I have enough info to understand how things work, both in the Library, and the alternate realities. The character building was good as well with likeable and relatable, well fleshed out heroes as well as villians. There were a few things I did not expect, which kept things interesting. The pacing was excellent, and the action flowed seamlessly, keeping me flipping the pages, and burning through chapters. Overall it was a strong start to a series. Hopefully the author can keep the plots intriguing enough to keep me wanting to invest more time and money into following the characters. I feel that some series, fail to do this which is why many people's interest lags. I think it's a weakness in many series, we shall see if that's the case with this one. Looking forward to book #2.