A review by midnightpoison13
A Place Without You by Jewel E. Ann


TW: Mentions of suicide and assisted suicide.

While I did find enjoyment in this book, there were several aspects that prevent me from giving it a high review. Let's start with the characters:

Henna is portrayed as a wealthy, pseudo-hippie girl who is accustomed to getting whatever she wants from her indulgent parents. She struggles with accepting rejection.

Bodhi, on the other hand, comes across as deeply depressed, fixated on his father's well-being due to guilt over causing his paralysis. His character would have benefitted from therapy.

Juni's overly close relationship with her daughter adds an uncomfortable dynamic to the story, which doesn't contribute to the forbidden romance theme.

The supporting characters, Mitchell, Barret, and Zach, provide some stability to the narrative.

As for the plot, Henna and Bodhi's initial attraction at Coachella leads to a tumultuous relationship, complicated by their student-counselor connection. However, the story takes unexpected turns, with Henna dropping out of school and embarking on a two-year trip funded by her parents. The focus shifts to Bodhi's father's illness, culminating in assisted suicide orchestrated by Henna and Juni, which leads to the dissolution of Bodhi and Henna's relationship.

The plot feels disjointed, jumping from one plot point to another without much coherence. Additionally, the lack of depth in Henna's character development is disappointing, as her portrayal primarily revolves around her relationship with Bodhi, with little exploration of her friendships or personal interests.

Overall, while the book had potential, the erratic pacing and lack of character depth left me feeling disappointed.