A review by mightymarce
Pushed: The Painful Truth About Childbirth and Modern Maternity Care by Jennifer Block


This is an incredible read, and one I would recommend to all women. Modern medicine is wonderful, and saves lives every day-- but we have come to a place where we now use machines and techniques that are great in *certain* situations, and are instead applying them blindly to everyone without looking at the evidence that may or may not support their use, and it's led us to have one of the highest infant and maternal mortality rates among developed nations.

Some people take this book as wanting to pit mothers against their doctors. I don't think it has to be that. I do think every pregnant woman should know her facts, so that when her doctor suggests induction or pitocin or a c-section she can have a decent understanding of the benefits and risks, and know what questions to ask to decide whether those interventions are necessary or desirable. Knowledge is power.