A review by git_r_read
Dead and Berried by Karen MacInerney


I am a huge fan of cozy/amateur sleuth mysteries. I love the settings, characters [both good and bad], the premise the story revolves around, pretty much everything. I guess I wouldn't read them otherwise.
The Grey Whale Inn series is like that. Set along the east coast on an island, small town life, main character runs a bed and breakfast that has always been her dream to own. There is evil afoot, dreaded developers want to take away all that is charming about the island life. Someone dies. Someone else dies. Not everyone is who they seem.
I was a bit dismayed at the demeanor of the main character, Natalie Barnes, owner of the Grey Whale Inn, when her ex-fiancé arrives unannounced on her doorstep. She dithers about whether to stay with the love she's met on the island, but she still has some feelings for the ex. She's jealous of the woman making eyes at him. Same woman who's been making her nuts by following her every move around the inn taking notes so she can start her own inn one day.
Then I realized that it was exactly how someone would act. Ideally one would know what one wants. But when everything around you seems to be falling apart, you would head back to the safety of a known comfort. Even if that comfort had done you wrong in the past.
So I got over myself and enjoyed the mystery.
I can definitely recommend this series.