A review by hijinx_abound
On the Ropes by Kathryn Nolan


Man this book was good. A woman comes home to visit and falls in the lap of a man she knew in high school. They attended a support group for LGBTQ2 individual dusks and their families.
Tabitha is a freelance film maker. She films shorter pieces to highlight ways communities are important and how to make the world better. She comes home to Philly for a summer before her next project begins.
Dean “the machine “ was a boxer at the top of his sport until he was knocked out in a fight and suffered a severe concussion and a lot of horrible side effects. Many people in his city are pissed that he walked away and he is struggling to find his place in the world without boxing.

I loved the complexity of this characters. They have a lot of things from their pasts that they are trying to process. Each one has trouble opening up and being vulnerable. Both are in their late twenties but have experienced a lot of life.
Watching Tabby unlock Dean was so beautiful. The more he steps into himself, the more she unlocks herself as well. Their spending time together is just so well written. Fun & flirty and sometimes awkward.
The neighborhood and all the characters in it make this story so rich and colorful.
Found family, great sexy times, and two people who have to learn that love doesn’t have to be dangerous.